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How to Become a Python Developer?

Aditya Raj

3 years ago

How to Become a Python Developer? | insideAIML
          Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in recent years. With growing popularity, demand for python developers has also grown exponentially. In this article, we will discuss different types of jobs for python developers, Why Python developers are in demand nowadays, and how to get a Python job. We will also look at some tips and tricks to learn python programming effectively.
What are the different types of jobs for python developers?
  • Web Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Data Analyst
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Automation Testing Engineer
  • Educator
  • Data Journalist
Why should you become a Python Developer?
  • Wide Variety of Job Opportunities
  • Increasing Demand of Python Developers
  • Enormous Growth Opportunities
  • Salary
How long does it take to learn Python?
From where you can learn Python?
  • Youtube
  • Online Courses
  • Coding Bootcamps
Roadmap for becoming a Python Developer
  • Step 1: Getting to Know the Basics
  • Step 2: Being More Curious
  • Step 3: Specializing in your domain
  • Step 4: Getting Your Hands Dirty
  • Step 5: Internships
Tips and Tricks for being a good Python developer

What are the different types of jobs for python developers?

          Python developers nowadays can be found in almost every field related to software or data. Due to a wide range of tools available in python programming for almost every task, python developers can be web developers or automation testers. They can be data scientists or they can be software developers. In this section, we will look at some of the job roles for python developers.

Web Developer

          Web developers are required to write code for server-side operations of a web application. If you are thinking about getting a job as a web developer after learning Python, You will have to learn different technologies other than core python. You will need a good knowledge of database management systems, Django or Flask web frameworks, and APIs. You may also need to have a knowledge of libraries like Tkinter to develop graphical user interface based web applications. Besides other technical skills, you will also need a good understanding of web frameworks and scripting languages such as HTML and CSS to excel as a web developer.

Software Developer

         To become a software developer, you will need to learn python programming, different web frameworks, database management systems, object-oriented programming, object-relational mappers, to name a few. You will also need a good understanding of computer architecture, different operating systems, multi-process architecture, and REST APIs to develop useful software applications. It is also important to have a good knowledge of front-end technologies and tools to ace this field.

Data Analyst 

          Data is the fuel of the 21st century. With each click on a computer or a mobile device, a lot of data is being generated and stored by the businesses to use it for their business. If you can analyze the data and take out valuable information from the data that profits the company, they will pay you a lot of money. 
To become a data analyst, you will need to have a good understanding of mathematics and statistics. For interpretation and analysis of data, you will need to learn python libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy, and Seaborn. Learning these python libraries may award you a good career with python.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer 

          Artificial intelligence is one of the fastest-growing fields among digital technologies and Python has contributed significantly to its growth. As an artificial intelligence engineer, you will need to perform natural language processing, knowledge representation, and cognitive simulation of any real-world tasks. For these tasks, you will have to learn python programming, data modeling, deep learning, neural networks, etc.

Machine Learning Engineer

          A machine learning engineer is someone who has the ability to make machines perform tasks like humans. As a machine learning engineer, you will have to utilize machine learning knowledge and your creativity to design and implement software to simulate tasks such as face detection, anomaly detection, classification, clustering, and making predictions. To perform these tasks, you will need to understand different concepts such as neural networks, statistics, mathematics, to name a few. You will also need to learn python programming with expertise in libraries such as TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Scipy, Pandas, and Numpy.

Data Scientist 

          This is one of the highest-paid jobs in Python. Why? Because you will need to be a jack of all trades. A data scientist is someone who can fit into the shoes of a data analyst, a machine learning engineer, an artificial intelligence engineer, a mathematician, or a statistician. 
To become a good data scientist, you will have to learn all the skills these professionals need. Skills needed for a data scientist are data analysis, manipulation, interpretation, mathematics, statistics, machine learning algorithms, and data visualization. In addition, you will have to learn python libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy, Seaborn, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, and Scipy to name a few.
If you are someone who can master many skills at once, you are already qualified to become a data scientist. So, learn the skills, get a job as a data scientist and enjoy your life.  

Automation Testing Engineer

          All the developed software applications are required to undergo testing to make sure that they work as desired. To identify processes for automation and to design and execute python scripts for automation, you will need to have a thorough understanding of python programming and technologies for automation. To become an automation testing engineer, you will need to learn selenium web driver in python and other technologies such as TestNG and ATLC methodology. Product Manager 


         While everyone is busy learning Python and doing different jobs, you can choose to be an educator. Being an educator, you can join full-time roles, create online courses, or train people in coding boot camps.

Data Journalist

          A data journalist is someone who specializes in using data to tell stories. Nowadays, Journalists with skills in programming are highly valued due to their ability to extract knowledge from available data.
If you have come this far, you must understand various jobs for python developers. But do you have a reason to learn python programming? In the next section, we will look at why you should learn Python and become a python developer.

Why should you become a Python Developer?

          Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. But this cannot be a reason enough to learn python programming. So let us look at some of the reasons why you might want to learn python programming.

Wide Variety of Job Opportunities

          As discussed above, There are a wide variety of jobs for python developers. You may choose to be a web developer or you may choose to be a data journalist as per your wish. Python is used in almost every aspect of the digital ecosystem and you can choose to be a part according to your choice.

Increasing Demand of Python Developers

         In recent years, python has become more and more popular. It has also resulted in increased jobs for python developers. Industries are increasingly using python in their core technology stack. This has resulted in high demands for python developers. Due to high demand, salaries are also high for python developers, and who doesn’t like more money? 

Enormous Growth Opportunities

          With major tech companies using python, there are enormous growth opportunities for python developers. Companies like NetFlix, Facebook, and Google use Python and they provide the best employee benefits in the market. Joining these companies as a python developer willgive a different trajectory to your career. Even if you are working in small companies as a data scientist or a data analyst, you will have better growth opportunities.


          The annual salary for a python developer in India can be anywhere from 500,000 to 2,000,000 Rupees. If you have the required experience and skills, companies like Accenture, TCS, Cognizant, Google, Goldman Sachs, and others will offer you a great salary. Senior python developers in these companies have an average salary of INR 20 Lakhs. As a web developer, you can earn up to 8 lakhs per annum at the start of your career, but the sky's the limit. Data science and analytics jobs also fetch you a good salary. If money attracts you and you have an interest in any of these jobs for python, You should start to learn python programming right now. But how and from where?
In the following sections, we will discuss how to learn python programming. We will also discuss a roadmap and some tips and tricks for becoming a good python developer. 

How long does it take to learn Python?

          Based on how much time you invest daily, you can learn the basics of python programming within one or two weeks. To become an expert, It may take anywhere from 4 months to a year. The time taken to learn python also depends on the platform and the skills you choose for yourself. You can build a web application within a few weeks of learning web development in Python while it may take you months to be a good data scientist. You may complete curated and mentored courses on platforms like InsideAIML, or you may decide to learn python programming by reading tutorials from different websites. The time taken to learn python will always depend on your choices.

From where you can learn Python?

         There are various ways with which you can learn python online. We will look at some of the resources, their advantages, and disadvantages to decide where a beginner should learn python.


          The first and easiest way to start learning python programming is to start learning with youtube tutorials. A wide variety of tutorials from programmers from different software companies and free access to the content makes youtube tutorials a great resource for learning python programming at your own pace. 
Despite the major advantage of free availability of resources, learning from youtube has a major disadvantage that you do not have access to practice exercises or discussion forums. This makes learning a tedious task as we move ahead with the course. Generally, people tend to leave the course unfinished while learning from youtube. Thus, the unavailability of practice exercises and discussion forums makes youtube tutorials a bad choice for beginners to learn programming, despite the free availability of the resources.

Online Courses

          Online education platforms like InsideAIML, Skillshare, Udacity, Great Learning Academy, Simplilearn, and others provide various self-paced or flexible session-based courses with high-quality resources and practice exercises. These courses run for a month to a year and offer skills from the comfort of your home. If you are self-disciplined and eager to learn, online courses may be of great help for learning python.
However, online courses require a great deal of time to choose which courses to learn. This makes the person invest time researching what to learn instead of focusing on how to learn. At InsideAIML, we provide various courses with curated content and mentors who help you to learn python programming for various fields like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science.

Coding Bootcamps

          Coding boot camps are one of the most recent and popular ways to learn python programming. Coding boot camps provide in-demand skills in a comparatively short time span with high-quality resources for study and practice exercises. Most of the coding boot campsrequire you to intensively invest your time in learning due to their course structure and time-bound practice exercises. 
In the next section, we will look at a general roadmap to learn python in an efficient way.

Roadmap for becoming a Python Developer

          If you are reading this, I can say for certain that you have developed an interest in the world of python programming and are willing to start a career as a python developer. Assuming that you don’t know anything about programming in python, let’s see how you can be a master in Python.

Step 1: Getting to Know the Basics

          The basics of python programming include the following topics.
  • Variables and Data Types: Variables are building blocks of any python program. Moreover, each variable has its own data type. You must learn about the various data types like integer, float, string, double, boolean, etc. in order to be able to write basic Python programs.
  • Operators: To perform various mathematical operations, Python has arithmetic operators as well as bitwise operators. Knowing about operators and their precedence will help you in doing basic operations like addition, subtraction, etc., in a python program.
  • Typecasting: When we perform operations on two or more variables, they may not be of the same data type. But, To perform any operation, all the variables must have the same data type in a statement in a python program. For this data, the types of variables have to be changed. Python implements implicit typecasting in some cases, while in others, we have to change the data types of variables explicitly. So, knowing typecasting is really important to write error-free programs.
  • Loops and Conditional Statements: To selectively execute statements in a python program, conditional statements are used. Similarly, for repetition of an operation, for loop and while loop is used. Knowing about them will make it handy for you to write programs with complex logic.
  • Data Structures: Python has different inbuilt data structures such as Python lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries. These data structures help in handling various structured and unstructured data and are a must to learn python programming.
  • Functions: To club certain statements which are performing a single task, we use functions. Functions make our code more readable and maintainable. So, You must learn about how to define and use functions in a python program.
  • File Handling: For any task, you will get the input data in a file. To use the data from files in the python program, file handling is a must to learn.

Step 2: Being More Curious

          After knowing the basics, you can write programs to manipulate text data or perform mathematical operations. Now we will look at some concepts which are good to know and will make your program more efficient.
  • Exception Handling: Errors and exceptions may occur in your program anytime and they force your program to stop abruptly. This may be due to an error in logic, a mismatch of data types, or a runtime error. To create more robust programs, you must learn exception handling so that you can handle the errors easily.
  • Object-Oriented Methodologies: To create real-world applications, you will need to learn object-oriented concepts about classes, objects, inheritance, generalization. This will give you the ability to write programs in a better manner for complex real-world problems.
  • Database Management tools: You may need to extract and save data to a database. For this, you will require knowledge of database management systems as well as how to use them in python. Learning these things will help you a lot.

Step 3: Specializing in your domain

          After completing the above steps, you may choose a domain like web development, data analytics, machine learning, or data science and you may start to learn python libraries specific to that domain.

Step 4: Getting Your Hands Dirty 

          After learning the basics of python and knowing about various python libraries, you may start implementing programs on a bigger level. Try to pick some easy projects to get hands-on experience. After completing some basic projects, you may choose to contribute to open source projects. 

Step 5: Internships

          By completing the above four steps, you must have gained a significant amount of experience in your domain. It’s time to kickstart your journey as a python developer. There are a lot of internships available on different portals such as LinkedIn and Internshala.  Apply to internships in your domain, get selected, and amaze the world with your skills. After completing internships, you can apply to full-time jobs for python in your domain. You may also accept freelancing projects if you are learning python while doing a different job instead of going for full-time internships or job opportunities. 

Tips and Tricks for being a good Python developer

          Besides skills, there are various other things you can do to learn python in a better way. These tips and tricks mentioned below will help you to become the best python developer.
  • Be Consistent: To master anything, consistency is the key. Devote a certain amount of time regularly to learn python. Practising programs daily is always going to make you better.
  • Read books on Python Programming: Reading books will always help you to learn python programming concepts that you can use in your programs. Reading books on different topics and python libraries will enhance your skillset. This will help you increase your value in your company.
  • Maintain your GitHub Repository: Whatever programs you are writing, whatever projects you are doing, save them in your GitHub repository. By doing this, not only can you access your work easily from anywhere, but other people can also look at your work to access your skills.
  • Write well-documented Code: Writing well-documented codes help the readers to know about each module of the code very easily. Also, try to write readable code using proper indentation, line breaks, docstrings, and proper naming conventions. 
  • Read Other People’s Code: By reading codes written by other people, you can learn different styles of coding. This will help you learn a better way to write code.


          If you are reading this, you might have figured out how you are going to learn python to become one of the best python developers. We have discussed different types of jobs for python developers, why Python developers are in demand nowadays, and how to get a Python job in detail. We have also looked at some tips and tricks to learn python programming effectively. 
Choose a domain and start to learn python programming today to ace the world. 
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