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FastText: A Word Embedding Technique

Kajal Pawar

3 years ago

FastText: A Word Embedding Technique | insideAIML
Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • What is fastText?
  • The Intuition behind FastText using visualization
  • Implementation of FastText word embedding using genism package in python
  • FastText implementation using genism


          In some of my previous articles, I have explained different types of word embedding and their implementation using python. I recommend you have a look at it first and then come back to this article for better understanding. Below are the links of my previous articles:
Word Embedding using Python Gensim package
Word embedding Word2vec by google
If you have already gone through my previous articles, then I think that you may already understand some of the most important concepts used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) such as word embedding and some types and importance of them. So, in this article, I will try to take you through one of the new and advanced topics: fastText.
One my close friends booked a new car. So, he put his status update on Facebook about purchasing a car. To share his joy with, I made a comment and also shared his post with others. Suddenly, a few hours later I saw Facebook serves me a car ad on my screen. I was surprised to saw… Don’t you? As I was not posted that post.  This is not black magic! This is Facebook leveraging text data to serve you better ads and provide you with better services.
In the below picture is shown how it faced a challenge while dealing with text data.
From the above picture, you may observe how it clearly failed to deliver the right ad. It is all the more important to capture in which the word has been used. This is a common problem in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.
The same word can be used with the same spelling and pronunciation in multiple contexts. So, to overcome this problem, a potential solution is devolved which is computing word representations.
Now, you may imagine how Facebook manage this challenge. Facebook deals with an enormous of text data on a daily basis in different form such as status updates, comments etc. And it is all the more important for Facebook to utilize this text data to serve its users in a better way. And using this text data generated
by billions of users on a daily basis, to compute word representations was a very time expensive task until. So, Facebook developed its own library known as FastText, for Word Representations and Text Classification.

What is fastText?

         FastText is an open-source library created by the Facebook research team for learning word representations and sentence/text classification. It works on standard and generic hardware.
In the NLP community, it is quite popular as it’s a possible substitution to the gensim package which provides the functionality of Word Vectors etc. for different models such as Word2Vec.
In simple words, we can say that FastText is another word embedding technique that is an extension of the word2vec model. In FastText model, it represents each word as an n-gram of characters instead of learning word vector directly.
For example, take the word, “eating” and let n = 3 (here, n represent the number of grams).
The FastText represent this word as < ea, eat, ati, tin, ing, ng >, where angular bracket represents the starting and ending of the word.
I know as of now you may be little confused but let me take the above example and explain to you using visualization.

The Intuition behind FastText using visualization

         To solve the disadvantages of Word2Vec model, FastText model uses the sub-structure of a word to improve vector representations obtained from the skip-gram method of Word2Vec.

Generation of Sub-word

          For a given word, we generate character n-grams.
STEP 1: We take a word and add angular brackets around it which represents the beginning and end of a word as shown in the below figure.
Generation of Sub-word step 1 | insideAIML
STEP 2: We generate character n-grams of length n. For example, for the word “eating”, character n-grams of length 3 can be generated by sliding a window of 3 characters from the start of the angular bracket till the ending angular bracket is reached. In the below image you may observe how we shift the window one step each time by green color.
Generation of Sub-word step 2 | insideAIML
STEP 3: We will get a list of character n-grams for a word as shown below.
Generation of Sub-word step 3 | insideAIML
Let’s see some examples of different length character n-grams.
Examples of different length character n-grams | insideAIML
From the above table, we can see how we can create a different length of n-grams of taken example word “eating”.
Since there can be a huge number of unique n-grams may present in the dataset, we apply hashing technique to bound the memory requirements.
In the hashing technique, we instead of learning an embedding for each unique n-gram, we learn total B embeddings where B represents the bucket size. In the original paper, they used a bucket size of 2 million.
hashing technique | insideAIML
From the above figure, we can observe that each character n-gram is hashed to an integer between 1 to B. This helps us to control the vocabulary size but may result in collisions. In the original paper, they used the FNV-1a variant of the Fowler-Noll-Vo hashing function to hash character sequences to integer values.
character of n-gram | insideAIML
Skip-gram with negative sampling
To understand the Skip-gram with negative sampling, let’s take a simple example.
Let’s suppose, we have a sentence “I am eating food now” and at the center, we have the word “eating” and we want to predict the neighbor's (context) words “amand “food”.
Skip-gram with negative sampling | insideAIML
Steps involved:
1) Firstly, we calculate the embedding vector for the center word, then take a sum of vectors for the character n-grams and the whole word itself as shown in the figure below.
Step 1 sum of vectors | insideAIML
2) Secondly, we directly take word vector of the actual context words from the embedding table, without adding the n-grams character as shown below:
Step 2 sum of vectors | insideAIML
3) Then, we collect negative samples randomly with probability equals to the square root of the unigram frequency.
Note: For one actual context word, we take 5 negative random sample words.
Step 3 sum of vectors | insideAIML
4) Now in our next step, we take the dot product of the centre word and the actual context words and then apply a sigmoid function on it to get value in between 0 and 1.
5) Finally, according to the loss obtained, we try to update the embedding vectors with Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer which helps us to bring actual context words closer to the centre word and increase the distance to the negative samples. It is shown in the image below.
Embedding Vectors with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer | insideAIML

Implementation of FastText word embedding using genism package in python

          Here, I will show you how we can perform word embedding with Gensim, package of python for NLP.
For this example, I will use a TED Talk dataset. You can download the dataset from the below given link:
we can directly write python code and download the dataset using urllib, extracted the subtitle from the file. It can be done as shown below:
#import required libraries
import numpy as np
import os
from random import shuffle
import re
import urllib.request
import zipfile
import lxml.etree

#download the data
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", filename="")

# extract subtitle
with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r') as z:
    doc = lxml.etree.parse('ted_en-20160408.xml', 'r'))
input_data = '\n'.join(doc.xpath('//content/text()'))
Let’s print some part of the dataset and take a look at what input_data variable stores.
The output is shown below in the image:
output | insideAIML
From the above image, we may clearly observe that there are some irrelevant information present in the dataset that are not helpful for us to understand the meaning, such as the words describing sound in the parenthesis and the speaker’s name. We can get rid of these words with the help of python regular expressions.
# remove parenthesis 
input_text_noparens = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', input_data)
# store as list of sentences
sentences_strings_ted = []
for line in input_text_noparens.split('\n'):
    m = re.match(r'^(?:(?P[^:]{,20}):)?(?P.*)$', line)
    sentences_strings_ted.extend(sent for sent in m.groupdict()['postcolon'].split('.') if sent)
# store as list of lists of words
clean_sentences_ted = []
for sent_str in sentences_strings_ted:
    tokens = re.sub(r"[^a-z0-9]+", " ", sent_str.lower()).split()
Now, clean_sentences_ted has been transformed into a two-dimensional array with each element being a word. Let’s print out the first and the second element.
Following image shows the above code output:
Output | insideAIML

FastText implementation using genism

         It’s pretty simple to implement FastText using gensim package. we only need one line to specify the model that trains the word embedding on FastText.
It can be done as follows:
from gensim.models import FastText
fast_model = FastText(sentences_ted, size=100, window=5, min_count=5, workers=4,sg=1)
Let’s try it to predict with the word “Gastroenteritis”, which is rarely used and does not appear in the training dataset.
[('arthritis', 0.7805954217910767),
 ('h1n1', 0.7803696990013123),
 ('cdc', 0.7635983228683472),
 ('amygdala', 0.7610822319984436),
 ('penitentiary', 0.7592360973358154),
 ('tuscaloosa', 0.7576302289962769),
 ('inflammatory', 0.7538164854049683),
 ('amyloid', 0.7519340515136719),
 ('cesarean', 0.7514520883560181),
 ('aromatase', 0.7490667104721069)]
We can see from the above output, even though the word “Gastroenteritis” does not exist in the training dataset but it is still capable of figuring out this word is
closely related to some medical terms.
If we try this in the Word2Vec model, it would produce an error because such
the word does not exist in the training dataset. Although it takes a longer time to train a FastText model as it considers the number of n-grams is greater than the number of words, it performs better than Word2Vec and allows rare words to be
represented appropriately.
I recommend you to go through this official website for the model, and try to understand it.
If you also want to have a look at the word2vec model, you may also read my article” Word embedding - Word2vec by google” and Word Embedding using Python Gensim package.
After reading this article, finally, you came to know the importance of the FastText model and its benefits.
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Thanks for reading…

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