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Top 10 Machine Learning Project Ideas For Beginners

Ankit Sahu

2 years ago

The process of writing the code that receives user input, processes it, manipulates it, saves it if necessary, and finally provides the user's response back as the output was known as traditional software application development.
Programmers had to build a lot of code to handle a number of challenging situations for processing. For handling corporate use cases like storing and retrieving employee information, creating rewards for users based on their actions, etc., traditional software development was a solid option.
However, writing code to solve issues proved extremely challenging since problems became complex and huge. For instance, it is extremely challenging to construct a feature - where a user can submit an image for the programme to interpret and indicate the digit it contains.
This is primarily due to how unpredictable it is to write rules and let a computer process an image and deduce meaning from it using hard-coded rules. This issue was resolved through machine learning, which flipped the conventional software development process on its head.
In machine learning, we make use of the available data rather than taking it as the input and putting it through numerous complex algorithms to generate the result. We input a lot of data, identify the application output that we want, and then keep feeding it additional information.  In order to enable machines to produce the rules and processes needed to map the input to the anticipated result, we also apply mathematical and statistical methodologies.
All that remains is to evaluate the accuracy after that is finished, and if it is satisfactory, we may move forward with the model.
Simply put, we let the machine learn from the available data and build the rules on its own, rather than defining the rules for converting/mapping the input to the output. 
As engineers, it is our responsibility to determine how to effectively utilize the data at hand to achieve the highest level of accuracy, and if necessary, what efforts may be taken to raise that accuracy.
You can strive to solve as many real-world problems with Machine Learning as you can if you want to get proficient at it because it is such a well-defined and intricate topic with numerous methods to approach a problem. 
You can use either Python or R for machine learning, while Python is more popular because it is simpler to learn and you can become a strong machine learning engineer with just a basic understanding of Python.
In light of this, we have developed a few machine learning project ideas that you can try out to gain some practical experience and experience with machine learning in practice. Remember that these are ML Projects for Beginners, so if you want to construct projects to get experience firsthand, this blog is ideal for you.

Top 10 Machine Learning Project Ideas For Beginners

1. Movie Recommendations

Nowadays, almost everyone streams movies and TV shows using technology. While deciding what to watch next can be difficult, suggestions are frequently given based on a viewer's past viewing habits and personal preferences. 
Machine learning is used to accomplish this job, making it a simple and enjoyable project for novices. 
Using data from the Movielens Dataset, and either the Python or R programming languages, developers can practice their skills. Movielens presently has more than 1 million movie ratings for 3,900 films that were created by more than 6,000 users.

2. Sentiment Analysis

It's a great idea to experiment with sentiment analysis, especially if you have a talent for writing. 
For those who are unclear, sentiment analysis entails the classification or clustering of text by a machine, typically into positive and negative perceptions. 
The selection of features may prove to be somewhat difficult in this case as it is in many natural language projects. But using text mining to examine the text's patterns is a common first step in assessing sentiments in text. This enables you to identify the key features present throughout your dataset that can serve as training criteria.
After that, you may train your model using suitable classification methods like the Naive Bayes or the decision tree. In the end, this project introduces you to the fundamental ideas behind text manipulation and spam detection.

3. Bitcoin Price Predictor

This is one of the project ideas for machine learning that deals with data that has time as a characteristic. 
Bitcoin is one of the most intriguing investment alternatives on the market right now, but it's also one of the most unstable. The price of bitcoin can be extremely unpredictable and the hardest to anticipate due to its extreme volatility. Considering this, you can build a predictive Machine Learning model that can predict the price of bitcoin for future investments using the publicly available data on bitcoin stock prices.
This is one of those projects that involve machine learning with time series forecasting. To implement this, you would require access to a dataset of historical prices for bitcoin that includes dates, prices, the highest price at which the stock opened, the lowest price at which it opened, and the closing price.
With the help of these details, you can train a model to predict the future of Bitcoin. You can use ARIMA to build a time series forecasting model. Also, to make things simpler, you can leverage Facebook's Prophet library, which is incredibly practical and dependable. This library has been used in numerous machine-learning projects, making it well-tested and free of problems.

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4. Stock Price Predictions

The same data sets used for sales forecasting, volatility indices, and fundamental indicators are also used to make forecasts about stock prices. 
Beginners can start small with a project like this and make forecasts for the coming few months using stock-market datasets. It's an excellent method to become comfortable making predictions with large datasets. 
Download a stock market dataset from Quantopian or Quandl to get started.

5. Image Recognition

Technologies like bogus image detection and facial recognition may appear to be complex. But as soon as you start working on a DIY picture recognition project, you'll see that it's far simpler than you could have imagined. 
Additionally, you have access to a sizable number of machine learning libraries for image processing. For example, TensorFlow provides a variety of resources for picture modelling. Also, Keras, a component of the TensorFlow platform, is a useful tool you can use if TensorFlow is difficult to understand. 
In the end, this project benefits from having a rudimentary understanding of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).

6. Human Activity Recognition with Smartphones

Many modern mobile gadgets are built to automatically recognise when we are performing a certain activity, like cycling or running. Machine learning is at work here. 
Junior machine learning developers use a dataset with fitness activity records for a few people (the more, the better), which was gathered through mobile devices equipped with inertial sensors, to practice with this type of project. 
Then, you can create categorization models that can precisely forecast future actions. This may also aid in your comprehension of multi-classification puzzles.

7. Fake News Detection

It is well known that both real and fraudulent news circulate online. However, each one of them has distinctive characteristics and traits that categorize them. 
Finding a distinctive descriptive pattern for both sorts of news may help you get closer to your goal because you're working with plain texts. To prevent your model from being either over- or under-fitted, you need to carefully choose your feature.

8. Sign Language Recognition System

This is one of the machine learning project ideas that can be executed in a variety of ways. 
To make the lives of those with disabilities a little bit easier, numerous tools are being created. Communication with other people and using common tools are two of the biggest problems these people experience. A sign language recognition system can be useful for them, particularly in the area of increasing accessibility, as many persons who cannot speak use sign language to interact with others.
Computer vision can be used in this system to analyze and recognize user motions and send commands to other systems or applications. People who are unable to talk can utilize this to provide voice aides. 
Additionally, sign language vocabulary training can help these individuals translate their sign language into a text or audio format that others can interpret and comprehend.

9. Turning Handwritten Documents into Digitized Versions

Deep learning and neural networks, two machine learning components crucial for image recognition, are ideal for practice in this kind of project. Imagine Google Lens at play. 
Junior developers can also learn how to use MNIST datasets, logistic regression, and convert pixel data into images.

10. Music Genre Classification

Machine learning algorithms have found it particularly difficult to learn from audio. 
So, you can create a music genre categorization model to help with things like categorizing music based on how it sounds. This model's task is to take audio files as input and categorize or label them into one of the various music genres, such as jazz, pop, rock, etc. 
However, these genres will be constrained by the data that your machine has been trained on. So, you can leverage the GTZAN music genre classification dataset, which is freely available online, to solve this issue.
Once you have the dataset, you can apply deep learning to extract key features from the audio recordings, and then classify the music into a certain genre using k-nearest neighbor (KNN). Here, you can utilize techniques like the elbow approach to get the appropriate number for k.

Bottom Line

In order to make the most of these projects, you must pick the one that presents the greatest challenge to you. If at all feasible, you should also try to combine data from several sources, since this is what is required when utilizing machine learning in the real world.
There are many other Machine Learning Project Topics that you can work on, so hopefully, we have given you a decent understanding of some of the most difficult Machine Learning projects. We hope that reading this blog post has piqued your interest in learning more about intricate Machine Learning topics.
If you wish to learn more about Machine Learning, visit InsideAIML. 
InsideAIML offers a comprehensive master's in a machine learning program that features all essential ML projects along with real-world training.

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