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Keywords and Identifiers in Python

Pallavi Dhotre

a year ago

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Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Keywords in python (Reserved words)
  • List of keywords 
  • Identifiers in python
  • Rules for naming identifiers in python
  • Different types of identifiers
  • Difference between keywords and identifiers in python
  • Summary


          Just as every spoken language has its own set of terms, every programming language has its vocabulary. Almost all high-level computer languages have a list of keywords. When referring to high-level programming languages, the keywords if, else, while, for, break, etc., are among the most commonly used. These terms are also known as reserved keywords in Python. Programming language keywords have some established meaning. We are unable to give keywords a value. We typically utilize variables to store the value. As well as giving names to the things, such as classes, functions, and variables, we also use identifiers to refer to these names. We will delve further into the idea of keywords and identifiers in Python programming in this essay.

Keywords in Python (Reserved words)

          Due to the case sensitivity of the Python programming language, reserved terms in Python must be capitalized. When referring to keywords in Python, the term "reserved keyword" is used to indicate that the term has a certain meaning and is only ever used for that intent. It is not possible to assign the restricted terms any other meaning. Reserved terms are only meant to be used in specific contexts. Reserved words lose their strictly defined meaning if their case is altered. No longer will it be taboo to use this word. This is a diagram that outlines Python's set of reserved terms.

List of Keywords in Python

         Python is a computer language that focuses on objects and makes use of keywords to organize and label code. Python's keywords are never intended to be used as identifiers, but rather to define a particular operation, job, or action (variables). The Python language has 33 special terms set aside for special purposes. Common ones include int, float, import, if, Elif, True, False, None, etc. Except for None, True, and False, all of the keywords are written in uppercase. Look at these important phrases:
Keywords in Python
  • True, False: Python uses the Boolean numbers True and False. Any one of these numbers represents the outcome of the logical operation.
  • and, or, not: The three logical operators in Python are and, or, and not. Boolean values are always the result of these operators.
  • if, Elif, else: terms used in the decision control structure include if, Elif, and else.
  • while, for:  these terms are used in a cycle control structure.
  • break, continue: The loop control structure makes use of the break and continues keywords to halt the processing of the loop or the current iteration of the loop, respectively.
  • class: A user-defined class is created with this keyword.
  • def: Defined functions are created using the def team.
  • try, except, raise, finallyException handling makes use of the terms try, except, raise, and finally to deal with any unforeseen problems that may arise while a program is being run.
  • from, import: Python's built-in modules can be imported into your current namespace using the form and import keywords.
  • global: If you want to use an internal function variable outside of the function's scope, you must use the global: this term.
The following are examples of frequently encountered Python-reserved terms. Let’s see an example of keywords:
We've used int, for, in, def, if, or, else, True, and False in the example provided.
Now let’s start with the concept of Identifiers.

Identifiers in Python

          In Python, identifiers are the names assigned to things like variables, classes, and functions. To avoid a programming mistake, we must avoid naming things with keywords. Python names must adhere to a set of guidelines.

Rules for Naming Identifiers in Python

  • The identifier must consist entirely of alphabetic characters; the underscore character (_) is the only permitted special character. E.g. student_name1 is a valid identifier name
  • As a case-sensitive language, Python treats uppercase and lowercase letters differently. E.g. The terms "name" and "NAME" will be treated independently.
  • Space between the identifier is not allowed. E.g. The property "student name" does not exist. It can also be written as a student name.
  • Always use a letter or an underline as the first character of a name or number. An identification must not begin with a numeric value. For instance, the variable name name1 or _name1 is acceptable in Python, while the number 1name is not.
  • There is no fixed maximum duration for an identifier.
Let’s see examples of identifiers in python:
Python recognizes the following names for lists (a and b), f1, and g1 in the sample provided (this is a name given to a function)

Different Types of Identifiers in Python

It's possible to use a variety of naming conventions, such as camel case, snake case, Unicode, spaces, and case-insensitivity. It is called the "camel case" when two or more words are combined into one identifier name, with the first character of each word capitalized (e.g., Batman). If an identifier name contains multiple items separated by spaces or underscores (like batman), use snake case. Any variable or function whose name begins with an underscore (_) will not be imported by a from x import * statement because the underscore has a unique meaning as an identifier.

Difference between keyword and identifier in python

          Python's keyword and identifier syntaxes are distinguished in the following chart.
The reserved words with predefined meaning are known as keywords
Names given to the entities like variables, class, and function are commonly known as identifiers
reserved words are case sensitive
We cannot assign a name of reserved words to identifiers
class, def, int, float
Student_name, my_Function, MyClass

How to Use Python Identifiers and Keywords Appropriately

Python identifiers and terms must be used correctly, so you must have a firm grasp of their context. It is important to check the syntax, case sensitivity, and usefulness of each identifier and keyword. The syntax describes how to employ these terms, case sensitivity clarifies whether they demand capitalized or lowercase letters, and the usability section clarifies whether or not they are suitable for use in your code. A well-organized and easily-read software is more likely to run smoothly and with fewer bugs. And if problems do arise, you'll have an easier time debugging if you do.


What we learned:
  • What are Keywords in python
  • List of Keywords in Python
  • What are Identifiers in python and its different types
  • What are the rules for naming identifiers in python
  • Difference between keywords and identifiers
  • How to use keywords and identifiers in python
In this article we have got the concept of keywords and identifiers in python and how we can use them into our code.  To learn more about Python topics check our series of articles on Python. Stay updated to latest AI and Data Science trends by signing up to our newsletter. 

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