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Boolean Operators in Python

Pallavi Dhotre

3 years ago

Python Boolean Operators | insideAIML
Table of content
Boolean Values in python
Python Boolean operators
  • The ‘and’ Operator
  • The ‘or’ operator
  • The ‘not’ operator


          In this article, we will learn about the Python Boolean operators and the types of Boolean operators. There are two Boolean values in python (True, False), and these values are also known as a Boolean data type in python. Therefore, the expression which results in a Boolean value is known as a Boolean expression in python. In general, expression is a combination of two or more operands with one or more operators. For example, a+b in this expression, a and b are operands and ‘+’ is an operator. Similarly, if the relationship between two or more operands is denoted with the help of relational operators, then the expression is known as a Boolean expression. For example, a > b, where ‘>’ is a relational operator. So, a>b is a Boolean expression. 

Boolean Values in python 

          True and  False  these  two  values  are  known  as  boolean  values  in  python. Python Boolean variable can have one of these values. For example flag=True

Python Boolean Operators 

          Logical  operators  denote  the  relationship  between  two  Boolean  expressions in python. Logical operators are also referred to as python Boolean operators. Two or more conditions can be combined using Boolean operators. Conditions are commonly referred to as a Boolean expression in python. The syntax for using Boolean operator is:
Boolean_Expression1   Boolean_operator   Boolean_Expression 2
Following are the logical operators used in python
logical operators in python  | insideAIML
Let’s have a brief look at the Boolean operators 

The 'and' Operator

          'and' is  very  important  and  primarily  used  among  all  three  python Boolean operators. 'and' checks that all the conditions in the Boolean expressions are fulfilling. For example, the table given below shows different conditions in which the outcome/result is decided.
and operator | python boolean operators | insideAIML
The easy trick to remember this table – Only when all the Boolean expressions are true, then the final result is true; otherwise the result is false.
See the following code for a better understanding
print(a>b and c>d) # both conditions are true
print(a<b and c>d) #1st condition is true second is false
print(a>b and c<d) #1st condition is false second is True
print(a<b and c<d) #both conditions are false

The 'or' operator

          It is another most commonly used Boolean operator in python, which is used for connecting more than one Boolean expression.
or operator | python boolean operators | insideAIML
An easy trick to remember this: Only when both the Boolean expressions are false, then the result is false otherwise true. In other words, if any of the expressions is True, the overall result is True.
See the following code for a better understanding
print(a>b or c>d) # both conditions are true
print(a<b or c>d) #1st condition is true second is false
print(a>b or c<d) #1st condition is false second is True
print(a<b or c<d) #both conditions are false

The 'not' operator

          The ‘not’ operator is used to negate the expression. 
When you use a Boolean Expression (BE) preceded by a ‘not’ operator, it means that the whole complex Boolean expression is True when the Boolean expression BE is False and vice versa.
not operator | python boolean operators | insideAIML
See the following code for a better understanding
print(not(a>b)) # actual result of a>b is true
print(not(c<d)) # actual result of c<d is false


        In this article, we have learned about Boolean values in python, Boolean expression in python, python Boolean operators, and types of Boolean operators in python. Boolean data type in python can have one of the two values (True, False). Logical operators ‘and’, ‘or’, not are also called python Boolean operators. Boolean operators denote the relationship between two Boolean expressions. And the result of the python boolean expressions is always boolean values in python  We hope you enjoyed the article. If you have any related queries regarding python Boolean operators, feel free to ask in the comment section below. 
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